What is TLIF Surgery?

  • by Dr Anurag
  • Spine

TLIF is a surgical technique to achieve surgical fusion of two or more spinal levels in the lumbar spine. This has 2 parts. 1st a cage with bone is inserted into the disc space by creating a space near the exiting root, hence the name ‘Transforaminal’. Then pedicle screws (bone screws) are placed in the […]

Spine Surgery: Should you opt-in for one?

  • by Dr Anurag
  • Spine

“Spine surgery” … These words provoke more trepidation and fear in a patient than any other form of surgery. Whether it’s a young college going student who has become a recluse because of back pain or an elderly patient who has become bedridden but the first response is always a big NO. This made me […]

What is Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) ?

  • by Dr Anurag
  • Spine

As the name suggests surgery done using small incisions and minimal tissues destruction is called MISS Traditionally spine surgery involved large cuts with extensive muscle dissection and cutting thus leading to loss of normal anatomy and destruction of normal tissue and muscles. MISS aims to achieve the same results while minimizing the disruption of normal tissue […]

Neck Pain And Cervical Spondylosis

  • by Dr Anurag
  • Spine

Cervical spondylosis is a non-specific  word which describes  the changes which can affect the spine in your neck due to routine wear and tear. This includes changes due to dehydration of discs, which can then lead to bony spurs forming called osteoarthritis. Cervical spondylosis is very common and can be seen in the majority of […]

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